HTML/Basic Code
From wiki
Top of every page, defines that it is a file with HTML code in it
Tags that define HTML code
<html> </html>
Tags that define the head of the page
<head> </head>
Tags that define the title of the head
<title> </title>
Tags that define the body of the page
<body> </body>
Tags that define the heading of text. large number = large text, lower number = smaller text. All text within heading is bold.
<h1> </h1>
Tags that define the a paragraph
<p> </p>
Tags to add image
<img src="http://image"/>
Tags to add text link
<a href="http://html link"></a>
Tags to add image link
<a href=""><img src="http://image link"/></a>
Tags for a numbered list
<ol> <li></li> </ol>
Tags for a unordered list (bullet points)
<ul> <li></li> </ul>
<!-- comment -->
Style attributes work with most tags
style="attribute;" ex. font-family: Impact ex. font-size: 16px ex. font-size: 2em ex. color: green
<li style="font-family: impact;font-size: 16px;color: green">Test text</li> <li style="font-family: impact;font-size: 2em;color: green">Test text</li> em allows you to specify the size in relationship the viewer's browser. Good practice to use so that mobile users aren't restricted to a specific pixel size.
Text attributes
<strong>Bold</strong> <em>Italics</em>
Allows you to break up page into containers
<table>Table Attributes go here</table>
Table Attributes
<tr>Table Row</tr> <td>Table Data</td> <thead>Table Header</thead> <th>Table Header Data</th> <colspan="column number"> Add to either td or th to expand the row X number of columns
Table structure
<html> <body> <table> <thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> <tfoot> </tfoot> </table> </body> </html>
Hex Color Codes
Notice the pattern
- red
- FF0000
- green
- 00FF00
- blue
- 0000FF
- white
- black
- 000000