VmWare/VmWare vCenter
MAC Installation
UPDATE: After spending hours trying to get the VMware Client Integration Plugin working for the MAC, I gave up. I've pretty much got a 100% fresh install of 10.13 and the POS Plugin just crashes. Doing a dtruss
shows that their is an error citing "invalid kernel access" even after I followed the steps listed here. I never got this working when I was using Mavericks and I cant get it working now with High Sierra.
End Result: Uninstall the POS and create a windows virtual machine that it can be installed on.
This will go through the steps needed to install a vCenter 6.0 appliance, but using a MAC.
Install Client Integration Package
I had issues getting this to load. I ended up uninstalling it using this
~$ sudo /Applications/VMware\ Client\ Integration\ Plug-in.app/Contents/Library/vmware-csd-installer --uninstall
Download and Extract VCSA iso to local file system
Log into https://my.vmware.com and download vCenter 6.0 Appliance. You will probably need to have purchased a license for vCenter before you can download it.
Extract to the local file system
~$ hdiutil mount ./VMware-VCSA-all-6.0.0-7977899.iso ~$ cp -r ./VMware\ VCSA /tmp/
Now that we have an extracted copy of the VCSA iso on the local file system, we can modify the html which performs a check to make sure it is run from a windows machine and make it look for a Mac instead.
~$ sed -i .bak 's/Win32/MacIntel/g' /tmp/VMware\ VCSA/vcsa-setup.html
Next, open vcsa-setup.html
using your preferred browser. Mine is Chrome at the time of this writing. Make sure to accept the plugin notification.
~$ open -a "Google Chrome" /tmp/VMware\ VCSA/vcsa-setup.html