Commands | dig | Mail Server CLI | openssl | sed
Contents |
scp [(username@)host:filepath] [(username@)destination:file path]
spaces within files/folders can something be resolved by adding quotes around the entire value with \\ or \ followed by a space where the space exists.
i.e. scp "[email protected]:/home/folder\\ with \\ spaces/test.text" [email protected]:/home/
scp through ssh proxy
~$ scp -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o ProxyJump=user@proxyserver ./sourcefile user@destinationserver:/destinationfile
ln (symlink)
create symlink
sudo ln -s source linkname i.e. sudo ln -s ../sites-available/helpdesk helpdesk
unlink symlink
sudo unlink link.name i.e. sudo unlink helpdesk
send process to background
- send command to background process, add & at the end of the command
- CRTL+Z pauses a process
- bg sends paused process to background
- jobs shows processes running in the background
- fg brings it back to the foreground
apt-cache search keyword
apt-get install keyword
always update the repos before installing or upgrading packages
~$ sudo apt-get update
if you wanted to update all of the packages installed on your machine, you could do this:
~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
List all installed pacakges
~$ sudo apt list --installed
Search for package in the repo
~$ apt-cache search keyword
check if package is installed
dpkg -s [package] i.e. dpkg -s apache-perl
WOL - Wake on Lan
~$sudo apt-get install etherwake ~$sudo wakeonlan MAC-Address-Here or ~$sudo etherwake MAC-Address-Here or ~$sudo etherwake -D MAC-Address-Here
add user
adduser [newuser]
add user to sudoer
~$ visudo root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL newuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
add to sudo group
you may have a sudo group that you can simply add the user to.
add to the sudo group ~$ sudo usermod -a -G [group] [user] i.e. sudo usermod -a -G sudo Joe check to verify they are part of the group ~$ getent group sudo sudo:x:27:Bob,Joe
check listening port
check to see if the service is running and listening on port 22
sudo egrep -i sshd /var/log/*log|more or sudo netstat -lp
check for any ssh session that is not originating from your IP
~$ sudo tcpdump -i venet0:0 port 22 and not host [your IP]
Permissions | Owner | Group | Others |
777 | rwx | rwx | rwx |
666 | rw- | rw- | rw- |
555 | r-x | r-x | r-x |
444 | r-- | r-- | r-- |
333 | -wx | -wx | -wx |
222 | -w- | -w- | -w- |
111 | --x | --x | --x |
000 | --- | --- | --- |
specify the destination file name and location
- -O
example: download source.file and save it to destination.file under /home/pi/ ~$ wget -O /home/pi/destination.file https://source.server/source.file
Do not check a site's certificate (valuable when downloading from a site with a self-signed cert)
- --no-check-certificate
example: using pdsh, tell a bunch of computers to download file from https server and save it without checking the certificate
~$ pdsh -w ssh:pi@rpi-wb[2-24] 'wget -O /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/20150730_1854_56.avi https://server.com/images/manual/20150730_1854_56.avi --no-check-certificate'