Mediawiki/Common Problems
From wiki
Cannot upload files
- Error: Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/3/3c".
Change ownership and provide write access to apache2 user, generally www-data, for images directory which is generally at /var/www/%mediawiki directory%/images/
sudo chown root:www-data images sudo chmod 775 images
Cannot upload file larger than 2MB
- go to the wiki site configuration file, ie. /etc/apache2/sites-available/mediawiki, and add the following lines anywhere within <Virtual Host>
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M php_value post_max_size 20M
Uploads extremely slow
- If the MediaWiki server cannot access the internet (in the case of an internal server), uploads can be extremely slow. This is because when you upload a file, the wiki calls upon an external source for some reason (it may be an image link or css). To solve this, add the following to your LocalSettings.php
$wgUseInstantCommons = false;
==filelist search on the filelist page does not work for filenames that contain a capital letter.
Prior to 1.22:
TL;DR Go to includes\specials\SpecialListfiles.php. On Line 84, change:
$this->mQueryConds[] = 'LOWER(img_name)' .
$this->mQueryConds[] = 'CONVERT(img_name USING latin1)' .
1.22 and after:
TL;DR Go to includes/specials/SpecialListfiles.php, Line 138 change:
$conds[] = 'LOWER(' . $prefix . '_name)' .
$conds[] = 'CONVERT(' . $prefix . '_name USING latin1)' .