PHP/Basic Code
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- .php
- all PHP pages end with the .php extension, this tells the browser there is php code in the file.
- //
- comments in PHP are defined with a double-forward slash "//"
- unlike most other comments which have delimiters both before and after comments, PHP does not, the "//" is defined at the beginning of the comment and the rest of the line is then included as part of the comment.
delimiters - start & stop
- <?php
- all php code begins with this.
- ?>
- all php code ends with this
output text
- echo
- just like with scripting, echo can be used to output text
ie. <p> <?php echo "My first line of PHP!"; ?> </p>
php is capable of doing basic arithmetic, take the following for example using "echo"
<?php echo 17 * 123; ?> Outputs: 2091
- joins strings together
<?php echo "Hello," . " " . "world" . "!"; ?> ---- Outputs: Hello, world!
Each string above is defined between double quotes. The "dots" are between them and combine them together to form 1 long string.
Variables in php are stored the same way as bash scripting, the variable name being defined by starting with a "$"
ie. <?php $myName = "r00tedvw"; echo $myName; ?>
- >
- Greater than
- <
- Less than
- <=
- Less than or equal to
- >=
- Greater than or equal to
- ==
Equal to
- !=
- Not equal to
<?php if (this condition is true) { // do this code } else { // do this code instead } ?> <?php // Write your if/elseif/else statement here! $myAge = 34; if ($myAge < 30) { echo "The condition is true"; } else { echo "The condition is false"; } ?>