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Hardware Requirements
As of version: Kajam-11.7.0:
- 2Ghz Processor (Dual-Core)
- 1GB of RAM
- 5GB HDD for Kaltura installation (not counting space for videos)
- 64bit Ubuntu or CentOS/Redhat
Before you start, switch to root. Kaltura expects that all installation instructions are performed as root.
~/home/user$sudo -s
Flush IPtables
If possible, flush iptables and stop the service.
~/home/user$ iptables -F ~/home/user$ service iptables stop (did not work for me) ~/home/user$ chkconfig iptables off (did not work for me)
Disable SELinux
Another required step, SELinux MUST be disabled.
Add PGP Key for Kaltura CE
kaltura-server:~$ wget http://installrepo.kaltura.org/repo/apt/debian/kaltura-deb.gpg.key kaltura-server:~$ sudo apt-key add ./kaltura-deb.gpg.key
Install Dependencies
kaltura-server:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-cli mysql-server mysql-client curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev memcached php5-curl php5-gd php5-memcache php5-mysql php-apc php5-xsl php5-imap libssh2-php imagemagick rsync default-jre exif ftp php-services-json spl-core php-xml-serializer php5-mcrypt postfix ia32-libs lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6-i386-y
Install postfix separately, select No Configuration
kaltura-server:~$ sudo apt-get install postfix -y
On Ubuntu 14.04, package ia32-libs is not available, however the following packages replace it: lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
Also, on Ubuntu 14.04, unable to locate package lib32asound2
kaltura-server:~$ sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32bz2-1.0 libc6-i386 -y
Edit PHP config for apache
root@kaltura-server:~# vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
search for: request_order = "GP"
change it to: request_order = "CGP"
Enable apache modules
root@kaltura-server:~# a2enmod rewrite headers expires filter deflate file_cache env proxy root@kaltura-server:~# service apache2 restart