Grafana Installation\OracleLinux
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Grafana Installation on Oracle Linux 6.8
Network Config
If you installed the basic package, most likely the NIC is not configured for DHCP. try:
User ~ $ system-config-network
Once DHCP is configured, the next step is to restart the NIC.
User ~ $ ifdown eth0 User ~ $ ifup eth0 Determining IP information for eth0... done. User ~ $ifconfig eth0
Make sure your hostname is defined in /etc/sysconfig/network
Also for the network config, put your FQDN in the hosts file @ /etc/hosts ::1
connect on boot
By default the network interface comes turned off on boot.
~$ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 HWADDR=00:0c:29:4f:09:c8 TYPE=Ethernet UUID=5eed1f7e-74da-4841-b03b-3d4cc0812ade ONBOOT=no NM_CONTROLLED=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp USERCTL=no PEERDNS=yes IPV6INIT=no
Change it so it automatically starts and connects on boot
Sudoers Config
Personally I prefer to use a group for sudoer management. Specify a unique UID so that it will be the same on all servers (manually dictate).
# groupadd -g <unique UID> sudo
Now we can add the group to the sudoers file
# visudo Add the following under the entry for root ## Allows members of the 'sudo' group to run all commands anywhere %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL
Add new user(s) and make them a part of the new sudo group
# useradd -G sudo -u <unique UID> user_a
Change the password of the user
# passwd <username>
SSH Config
With Oracle Linux 6.8, openssh should be installed by default, but if it isnt:
#yum install openssl openssh-server
Grafana Repo
Create a new repo file for grafana
~$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/grafana.repo Add: [grafana] name=grafana baseurl=$basearch repo_gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= sslverify=1 sslcacert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Update repo cache ~$ sudo yum makecache
Grafana Installation
Now lets install grafana and the other required packages
~$ sudo yum install grafana mysql-server httpd