InfluxDB Installation/Collectors
From wiki
InfluxDB Installation | Collector Scripts
vmstat collector
#!/bin/bash #define variables HOSTNAME=$(hostname) DOMAIN=$(hostname | awk -F "." '/1/ { printf $2"."$3"."$4};') dbhostname=('dbhostname') dbport=('8086') dbtable=('dbtablename') dbuser=('dbuser') dbpassword=('dbpassword') #vmstat 10 sec avg, output and create variables matching each vmstatout=$(vmstat 10 2 -S k | awk 'NR==4') r_process_normal=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $1 }') b_process_uninterruptible=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $2 }') swapd_virtual_mem_used=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $3 }') free_idle_mem=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $4 }') buf_mem_kernel=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $5 }') cache_mem_kernel=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $6 }') si_mem_from_swap=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $7 }') so_mem_to_swap=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $8 }') bi_io_from=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $9 }') bo_io_to=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $10 }') in_interrupts=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $11 }') cs_context_switch=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $12 }') us_cpu_non_kernel_code=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $13 }') sy_cpu_kernel_code=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $14 }') id_cpu_idle=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $15 }') wa_cpu_wait=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $16 }') st_cpu_stolen=$(printf "$vmstatout" | awk '{ printf $17 }') #array of vmstat variable values vmstatvalues=("$r_process_normal" "$b_process_uninterruptible" "$swapd_virtual_mem_used" "$free_idle_mem" "$buf_mem_kernel" "$cache_mem_kernel" "$si_mem_from_swap" "$so_mem_to_swap" "$bi_io_from" "$bo_io_to" "$in_interrupts" "$cs_context_switch" "$us_cpu_non_kernel_code" "$sy_cpu_kernel_code" "$id_cpu_idle" "$wa_cpu_wait" "$st_cpu_stolen") #array of vmstat variable names vmstatdef=('r_process_normal' 'b_process_uninterruptible' 'swapd_virtual_mem_used' 'free_idle_mem' 'buf_mem_kernel' 'cache_mem_kernel' 'si_mem_from_swap' 'so_mem_to_swap' 'bi_io_from' 'bo_io_to' 'in_interrupts' 'cs_context_switch' 'us_cpu_non_kernel_code' 'sy_cpu_kernel_code' 'id_cpu_idle' 'wa_cpu_wait' 'st_cpu_stolen') #loop that brings everything together and outputs to db via http post function influx_post { for ((i=0;i<=(${#vmstatvalues[@]}-1);i++)) do curl -i \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -X POST "http://""$dbhostname"":""$dbport""/write?db=""$dbtable" -u "$dbuser":"$dbpassword" --data-binary "${vmstatdef[i]}"",host=""$HOSTNAME"",domain=""$DOMAIN"" value=""${vmstatvalues[i]}" done } influx_post