Pivotal/BOSH/Quick Reference
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BOSH | BOSH CLI | Quick Reference
Obtain Logs
Obtaining Logs from the BOSH Director.
Start by logging into your Ops Manager via SSH. If using vSphere, use your admin password and ubuntu
as a username
~$ ssh [email protected]
Next, through the Ops Manager GUI, select the BOSH Director tile and make a note of the (2) following items:
- IP Address: Under the status tab, record the IP Address of your BOSH Director
- Username/Password: Under the credentials tab, record the Username and Password from
vm credentials
Now, using your ops manager ssh session, log in the BOSH Director like so:
~$ ssh {vm_credentials_username}@{bosh_director_ip} >{vm_credentials_password} ie. ~$ ssh [email protected]
Finally we can obtain the logs we need. Let's start by bundling them into a tar ball.
~$ sudo -i ~$tar zcvhf ~/bosh_logs.tgz /var/vcap/sys/log