Pivotal/BOSH/Quick Reference
BOSH | BOSH CLI | Quick Reference
Obtain BOSH Director Logs
Obtaining Logs from the BOSH Director.
Start by logging into your Ops Manager via SSH. If using vSphere, use your admin password and ubuntu
as a username
~$ ssh [email protected]
Next, through the Ops Manager GUI, select the BOSH Director tile and make a note of the (2) following items:
- IP Address: Under the status tab, record the IP Address of your BOSH Director
- Username/Password: Under the credentials tab, record the Username and Password from
vm credentials
Now, using your ops manager ssh session, log in the BOSH Director like so:
~$ ssh {vm_credentials_username}@{bosh_director_ip} >{vm_credentials_password} ie. ~$ ssh [email protected]
Finally we can obtain the logs we need. Let's start by bundling them into a tar ball into vcap's home directory and then making vcap owner.
~$ sudo -i ~$ tar zcvhf /home/vcap/bosh_logs.tgz /var/vcap/sys/log ~$ chown vcap:vcap /home/vcap/bosh_logs.tgz
Lastly, SCP these to the ops manager so that you can then scp them to your local machine. You could also directly ssh/sftp/ftp them if you have such available and are familiar with the steps.
~$ scp /home/vcap/bosh_logs.tgz [email protected]:"/home/ubuntu/"
Finally copying the bosh_logs onto your local machine. In this example i'm using a mac and have disconnected from the bosh director and ops man.
[~] scp [email protected]:"/home/ubuntu/bosh_logs.tgz" /Users/John/Downloads/