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Installation - Ubuntu | Installation - CentOS
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Hardware Requirements
As of version: Kajam-11.7.0:
- 2Ghz Processor (Dual-Core)
- 1GB of RAM
- 5GB HDD for Kaltura installation (not counting space for videos)
- 64bit CentOS
Before you start, switch to root. Kaltura expects that all installation instructions are performed as root.
~/home/user$sudo -s
Setup Sudo group
I personally like the way Ubuntu manages sudo rights through a group. Follow the below to replicate that.
root@kaltura-server~$ sudo visudo [add the lines below:] ## Allows members of the 'sudo' group to run any commands anywhere %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL root@kaltura-server~$ sudo groupadd sudo root@kaltura-server~$ getent group sudo sudo:x:1002: root@kaltura-server~$ sudo usermod -a -G sudo helpdesk root@kaltura-server~$ getent group sudo sudo:x:1002:helpdesk
Update CentOS
helpdesk@kaltura-server~$ sudo yum update -y
Install DNS utilities
helpdesk@kaltura-server~$ sudo yum install -y bind-utils
Disable SELinux (required)
helpdesk@kaltura-server~$ sudo setenforce permissive helpdesk@kaltura-server~$ sudo vi /etc/selinux/config [change value] SELINUX=enforcing > SELINUX=permissive
Setup Kaltura RPM repo
root@kaltura-server~$ rpm -ihv http://installrepo.kaltura.org/releases/kaltura-release.noarch.rpm root@kaltura-server~$ rpm -ihv https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm edit: /etc/yum.repos.d/kaltura.repo root@kaltura-server~$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/kaltura.repo under [Kaltura] change: baseurl = http://installrepo.kaltura.org/releases/latest/RPMS/$basearch/ to: baseurl = http://installrepo.kaltura.org/releases/rhel7/RPMS/$basearch/ root@kaltura-server~$ yum update -y root@kaltura-server~$ yum cleann all
Setup MariaDB
root@kaltura-server~$ yum install -y mariadb-server root@kaltura-server~$ service mariadb start root@kaltura-server~$ mysql_secure_installation
Below is a sample question answer format, replace the input marked by <> with your own details:
Enter current password for root (enter for none): <ENTER> Set root password? [Y/n]: <y> Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
root@kaltura-server~$ chkconfig mariadb on
A local instance is needed to be able to send mail, generally the default install should be sufficient.
restart the Postfix service to make sure it can run.
root@kaltura-server~$ service postfix restart
Install Kaltura Server
root@kaltura-server~$ yum update -y root@kaltura-server~$ yum clean all root@kaltura-server~$ yum update -y "*kaltura*" root@kaltura-server~$ yum install -y kaltura-server
Configure DB with required Kaltura Settings
root@kaltura-server~$ /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-mysql-settings.sh