Pivotal/APIs/Service Broker API
Open Service Broker API
Contents |
The open service broker API is used by service brokers; the brokers of services available to developers to supplement their applications.
It allows service brokers to register services, configure, manage, etc.
Manual Queries
Queries are structured like so:
~$ curl http://username:password@service-broker-url/v2/catalog -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.14"
The components are:
component | description |
command used |
username and password for the service broker placed inline with the GET request |
the service broker URL specific to the service deployed |
the service broker API endpoint |
-H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.14"
A required header for the request that must declare the version number of the Open Service Broker API that the platform is using |
In order to manually query the service broker API endpoints, you will need to gather the credentials used to register the service. As of today, PAS 2.3, these credentials are stored within the BOSH credhub instance in Cloud Foundry, however they may be available from Ops Manager UI, PAS > Credentials.
Determine Credhub name
Credhub will have a fairly long string for a name, so its important that we discover what it is. From the Ops Manager VM, run the following command and it should print out the credhub variable names for the username and password.
~$ sudo cat /var/tempest/workspaces/default/deployments/credhub-service-broker*.yml | grep 'name: credhub_broker' -A 2 name: credhub_broker password: "((/opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/app_credentials.password))" user: "((/opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/app_credentials.identity))" -- name: credhub_broker domain: run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io org: credhub-service-broker-org
Credhub CLI
Before we can use the Credhub CLI, we need credentials for CredHub. In this instance we will be logging into the Credhub for BOSH, which is on the Bosh director VM.
To start, you'll need to ssh into the Ops Manager. We can run a remote ssh command from there into the Bosh Director VM to extract the username and password for credhub.
~$ ssh [email protected] 'cat /var/vcap/jobs/director/config/director.yml' | jq '.config_server.uaa.client_id,.config_server.uaa.client_secret' Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. All access and activity is subject to logging and monitoring. [email protected]'s password: "director_to_credhub" "client_secret_password"
Now with the credentials, we can try to connect, again from the Ops Manager vm since it already has the credhub cli installed.
~$ credhub api https://bosh_director_ip:8844 --skip-tls-validation ~$ credhub login --client-name=director_to_credhub --client-secret=client_secret_password Login Successful
Or you can call the username and password inline to avoid having to look them up.
~$ credhub login \ --client-name=`ssh [email protected] 'cat /var/vcap/jobs/director/config/director.yml' | jq '.config_server.uaa.client_id' | sed s'/"//'g` \ --client-secret=`ssh [email protected] 'cat /var/vcap/jobs/director/config/director.yml' | jq '.config_server.uaa.client_secret' | sed s'/"//'g` Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. All access and activity is subject to logging and monitoring. [email protected]'s password: Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. All access and activity is subject to logging and monitoring. [email protected]'s password: Login Successful
Now that we are authenticated with credhub, we can search for the desired credentials
~$ credhub find | grep -i credhub - name: /opsmgr/director/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/delete-all/vm_credentials - name: /opsmgr/director/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/vm_credentials - name: /opsmgr/director/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/uaa_client_secret - name: /opsmgr/director/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub/vm_credentials - name: /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/delete-all/app_credentials - name: /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/delete-all/vm_credentials - name: /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/app_credentials - name: /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/vm_credentials - name: /opsmgr/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/uaa/services_credhub_credentials - name: /opsmgr/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub_tls - name: /opsmgr/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub_key_encryption_passwords/0/key - name: /opsmgr/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub_hsm_provider_partition_password - name: /opsmgr/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub_hsm_provider_client_certificate - name: /p-bosh/cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b/credhub-db-credentials
Since we got the name of the credentials we need earlier, this is pretty easy. remember to remove .identity
or .password
~$ credhub get --name /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/app_credentials id: a9b9d259-19a1-4577-9f3d-3ed42ae4580c name: /opsmgr/credhub-service-broker-fe0bf86cb201f5273057/deploy-all/app_credentials type: json value: identity: username password: password salt: salt sha512_hashed_password: salted password hash version_created_at: 2018-10-23T11:09:56Z
Now we are almost ready to submit our first query, however we need to know the service broker URL we will be using. This is fairly easy with CF CLI
~$ cf service-brokers Getting service brokers as admin... name url apigee_cf_service_broker https://apigee-cf-service-broker.cfapps-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io app-autoscaler https://autoscale.run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io aws-services-broker https://aws-services-broker.run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io azure_service_broker https://azure-service-broker.cfapps-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io credhub-broker https://credhub-broker.cfapps-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io dedicated-mysql-broker mongodb-service-broker-bjm https://mongodb-service-broker-anxious-gelada.cfapps-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io nfsbroker https://nfsbroker.run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io p-redis https://redis-broker.run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io redis-odb scheduler-for-pcf https://scheduler.run-19.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io
In the above, we can see that the credhub broker URL is:
Finally we are ready to put everything together and submit a query. We are start by testing against the /v2/catalog
NOTE: Make sure you are using HTTPS.
~$ curl https://username:[email protected]/v2/catalog -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.14" --insecure | jq '.' % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 581 100 581 0 0 14237 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 14897 { "services": [ { "id": "E70C96CA-88E2-4FE9-9157-EFC835A38C9F", "name": "credhub", "description": "Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub", "bindable": true, "tags": [ "credhub" ], "plan_updateable": true, "plans": [ { "id": "6D7F1C1B-EC2C-4A99-86B0-08E1987EE5A6", "name": "default", "description": "Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub", "metadata": { "bullets": [ "Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub" ], "displayName": "default" } } ], "metadata": { "displayName": "credhub-broker", "longDescription": "Stores configuration parameters securely in CredHub", "shareable": true } } ] }
Data Storage
The data you obtain from the Service Broker API comes from (at the time of this writing, PAS 2.3) the MySQL DB on the MySQL VM within the CF Deployment, and then specifically the CCDB database.
Start by ssh'ing into the MySQL vm
~$ bosh -e lab19 -d cf-c4ad9789367ebcdd824b ssh mysql/44aee7c1-fa49-471d-ab66-64c5f278f4a9
Now lets log into MySQL. we can use credentials stored on the MySQL vm.
~$ mysql --defaults-file=/var/vcap/jobs/mysql/config/mylogin.cnf -h
Once logged in, you can perform a variety of commands to query information, but in the case of this exercise, these are what we used.
mysql> show databases; mysql> use ccdb; mysql> show tables; mysql> describe services; mysql> select guid,label,extra,service_broker_id from services where label='credhub';
In the above we wanted to look at the DB entries for the credhub service broker and see what sort of JSON the extra column contained.
Note: You could also use the Database entries in the CCDB to determine the username (but not password) for the service broker API. Just FYI that it is here too, not just in the previously mentioned .yml.
If you want further information about the available endpoints, these are the best resources out there: