Ubuntu/Scripts/SSL Expire
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Simple bash script to check the SSL start and end dates for web,smtp, or imap servers.
https_port= whatever https port you are using for SSL/TLS
smtp_port= whatever smtp port you are using for SSL/TLS
imap_port= whatever imap port you are using for SSL/TLS
webservers= list of web servers, separated by either a space of line break
smtpservers= list of web servers, separated by either a space of line break
imapservers= list of web servers, separated by either a space of line break
#!/bin/bash https_port=('443') smtp_port=('25') imap_port=('993') declare -a webservers=( web.server.com ) declare -a smtpservers=( smtp.server.com ) declare -a imapservers=( imap.server.com ) function websrv { for i in "${webservers[@]}" do web="$(openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $i:$https_port < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text)" echo "$web" | grep "CN\=[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*" | sed 's/.*CN=//' echo "$web" | grep "Validity" -A 2 | sed '/Validity/d' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' done } function smtpsrv { for i in "${smtpservers[@]}" do smtp="$(openssl s_client -showcerts -starttls smtp -connect $i:$smtp_port < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text)" echo "$smtp" | grep "CN\=[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*" | sed 's/.*CN=//' echo "$smtp" | grep "Validity" -A 2 | sed '/Validity/d' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' done } function imapsrv { for i in "${imapservers[@]}" do imap="$(openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $i:$imap_port < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text)" echo "$imap" | grep "CN\=[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*" | sed 's/.*CN=//' echo "$imap" | grep "Validity" -A 2 | sed '/Validity/d' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' done } printf 'Web Severs\n' websrv printf '\n' printf 'SMTP Servers\n' smtpsrv printf '\n' printf 'IMAP Servers\n' imapsrv
~$ ./certs_query.sh Web Severs web.server.com Not Before: Jun 18 16:10:13 2015 GMT Not After : Aug 5 09:08:32 2017 GMT SMTP Servers smtp.server.com Not Before: Apr 27 01:43:24 2013 GMT Not After : Apr 25 01:43:24 2023 GMT IMAP Servers imap.server.com Not Before: Jun 2 13:56:07 2016 GMT Not After : Jun 2 14:26:06 2018 GMT