Pivotal/Cloud Foundry

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Cloud Foundry | Cloud Foundry CLI | Apps | Tasks




Software Platform that lets you build and run software in a consistent way, in any place.
Runs across any platform such as:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Open Stack
  • VMWare

Cloud Foundry builds out the infrastructure including the virtual machine and a hardened version of the operating system, Windows or Linux.



Fundamental Concepts

Process Changes

Distributed System
Distributed systems are hard to build, test, manage, and scale.
Ephemeral Infrastructure
Virtual machines and containers are temporary
Immutable Infrastructure
Updates to systems and applications are not done in-place but rather new, updated instances are created instead.

Elastic Runtime (CF)


Schedules tasks and long-running processes (LRPs)

Task - guaranteed to run at most once eg. stage and application
LRP - a long running process, typically represented as a web app. lrps can have multiple instances.
Container - An application instance is run within an immutable container
Cell - Containers are run within a cell.
Garden - Containers are managed by Garden.
Rep - represents the cell in the BBS/auctions
Auction - auctions are held to bid on executing a task or an LRP.
Executor - Manages container allocations on the cell. Also streams stdout and stderr to Metron
Metron - Forwards logs to the loggregator subsystem
BBS - Bulletin Board System is the API to access the Diego database for tasks and LRPs.
Brain - The brain is composed of two components, the auctioneer which holds auctions for tasks and LRPs, and the Converger which reconciles desired LRPs vs Actual LRPs through auctions.


Metron - Forwards logs to the loggregator subsystem
Doppler - Gathers logs from Metron. also has app syslog drains to services like splunk or papertrail.
Traffic Controller - Handles client requests for logs. Also exposes a web socket endpoint called the firehose.
Firehose - A websocket endpoint that exposes app logs, container metrics, and ER component metrics.
Nozzles - Consume the firehose output

Cloud Controller API

The Cloud Controller exposes an API for using and managing the Elastic Runtime (CF)

Cloud Controller Database - The cloud controller persists org/space/app data in the cloud controller database
Blob Store - The cloud controller persists app packages and droplets to the blob store.
CC-Bridge - The CC-Bridge translates app specific messages into the generic language of tasks and LRPs.


The router routes traffic to appropriate components and all app instances.
The router round robins between application instances

How Diego stages buildpack applications


Personal tools
