Pivotal/Cloud Foundry/CLI
Cloud Foundry | Cloud Foundry CLI | Apps | Tasks | Logs | OpsManager
CF CLI is command line utility for cloud foundry, primarily written in Go, that interacts with the Cloud Controller API.
Installing CF CLI
Mac OSX (High Sierra)
First start by installing homebrew package manager
~$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Tap the Cloud Foundry repo and install CF CLI
~$ brew tap cloudfoundry/tap ~$ brew install cf-cli
For good measure you should install git if you have not.
~$ brew install git
Linux (CentOS)
Install the repo and CLI package
~$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudfoundry-cli.repo https://packages.cloudfoundry.org/fedora/cloudfoundry-cli.repo ~$ sudo yum install cf-cli -y
Installing Maven (optional)
In case you need to install Maven. Download the latest binary copy: http://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/apache/maven/maven-3/3.5.3/binaries/ such as apache-maven-3.5.3-bin.tar.gz
unpack it.
~$ mkdir -p ~/Maven && tar -C ~/Maven/ -xvf ~/Downloads/apache-maven-3.5.3-bin.tar.gz
edit bash profile
~$ sudo vim ~/.bash_profile export M2_HOME=/Users/User/Maven/apache-maven-3.1.1 export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
Restart the terminal and check the version
~$ mvn -version
Installing Terraform (optional)
~$ brew install terraform
Determine version
~$ cf -v cf version 6.37.0+a40009753.2018-05-25
Detailed help
~$ cf help -a
prepend CF_TRACE=true
to the beginning of the CF command.
~$ CF_TRACE=true cf apps Getting apps in org test / space flee as admin... REQUEST: [2018-10-24T14:24:57-04:00] GET /v2/spaces/ca247608-1aa0-47d9-bc1f-c54721423bfc/summary HTTP/1.1 Host: api.run-05.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io Accept: application/json Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: go-cli 6.36.1+e3799ad7e.2018-04-04 / darwin RESPONSE: [2018-10-24T14:24:57-04:00] HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Content-Length: 110 Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 18:24:57 GMT Server: nginx X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Vcap-Request-Id: fac25123-e020-4b0e-7b90-f761baff4fc1::08089252-62f1-48a0-b159-ddc02fa8ca49 { "guid": "ca247608-1aa0-47d9-bc1f-c54721423bfc", "name": "flee", "apps": [ ], "services": [ ] } OK
Quick Reference CF CLI
Sign into PWS (Pivotal Web Services).
Man file
~$ cf login -u username -o org -s space -a api.run.pivotal.io
To logout it is as simple as
~$ cf logout
For a vSphere instance of CF
find the system domain (PAS Tile > Settings > Domains)
login with the UAA admin credentials (PAS Tile > Credentials > UAA Admin Credentials)
~$ cf login -u <username> -a api.<system domain> [--skip-ssl-validation]
~$ cf login -u admin -o system -s system -a api.run-16.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io --skip-ssl-validation API endpoint: api.run-16.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io Password> Authenticating... OK Targeted org system Targeted space system API endpoint: https://api.run-16.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io (API version: 2.112.0) User: admin Org: system Space: system
cf config
Set configuration variables such as language, timeouts, color, etc.
Man file | Localize
~$ $ cf config --locale YOUR_LANGUAGE Language Examples: English (US): en-US German: de-DE Spanish: es-ES
cf orgs
show all orgs in the cf environment
~$ cf orgs
cf spaces
show all spaces in the cf environment
~$ cf spaces
cf target
allows you to list the currently targeted organization and/or space, as well as change them.
cf target [-o <organization>] [-s <space>]
~$ cf target api endpoint: https://api.run-16.haas-59.pez.pivotal.io api version: 2.112.0 user: admin org: system space: pivotal-services
cf apps
Show all apps in your authenticated instance with their state and some details.
~$ cf apps
cf app
Show expanded details on an app
~$ cf app <app_name>
cf restart
restart an app
~$ cf restart <app_name>
cf restage
Recreate the app's executable artifact using the latest pushed app files and the latest environment (variables, service bindings, buildpack, stack, etc.)
~$ cf restage <app_name>
cf services
list all service instances
~$ cf services
cf logs
Show logs from an app either as a snapshot or live stream
Snapshot: ~$ cf logs <app_name> --recent Stream: ~$ cf logs <app_name>
View available elephantsql plans.
~$ cf marketplace -s elephantsql
cf create-service
create a new service, such as a elephantsql instance
~$ cf create-service elephantsql turtle <db_name>
cf bind-service
bind the service to the app
~$ cf bind-service <app_name> <service_name>
cf scale
scale the number of instances to improve app performance such as user load and concurrent requests.
~$ cf scale <app-name> -i <number of instances> ~$ cf scale <app-name> -m 1G <or other memory size> ~$ cf scale <app-name> -k 512M <or other disk size>
cf env
shows the current environment variables for the app
~$ cf env <app-name>
cf push
pushes an app to cloud foundry
~$ cf push <app-name> -p <local path to app> -m <memory size> --random-route (creates a random url) --no-start (prevents the app from starting) ie. ~$ cf push attendee-service -p ./attendee-service-0.1.jar -m 768M --random-route --no-start
cf create-user-provided-service
creates a service based on a user provided service. ie. an in-house instance of mysql that applications can bind to.
~$ cf create-user-provided-service <service name> -p uri uri> <full access url> ie. cf create-user-provided-service attendee-service -p uri uri>http://attendee-service-daring-hartebeest.cfapps.io/
- log output
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}' \ http://localhost:3000/api/login
cf create-app-manifest
creates a manifest file based on the application's current configuration. the file save name is generally manifest.yml
~cf create-app-manifest <service name> -p <file save path>
cf security-groups
shows all security groups for egress traffic within to organization/space
~$ cf security-groups
cf [bind|unbind]-security-group
binds or unbinds a space from a security group
cf [bind|unbind]-security-group <security group name> <organization> <space> --lifecycle [staging|running]
~$ cf unbind-security-group restrict-internal p-dataflow c3bc8cb2-9b02-424d-a672-dab322be6c0b --lifecycle running
cf staging-security-groups
shows all the security groups affecting staged apps (while droplets) for egress traffic within the organization/space.
~$ cf staging-security-groups
cf running-security-groups
shows all the running security groups affecting running apps for egress traffic within the organization/space.
~$ cf running-security-groups
cf bind-running-security-group
binds the security group to running apps for egress traffic within the organization.
~$ cf bind-running-security-group <security group name> <organization> <space>
cf unbind-running-security-group
unbinds the security group from running apps for egress traffic within the organization.
~$ cf unbind-running-security-group <security group name> <organization> <space>
cf create-security-group
creates a security group for egress traffic within the organization
cf update-security-group
updates a security group rule
cf delete-security-group
deletes a security group
cf buildpacks
provides a list of available buildpacks
bare minimum
below are the bare minimum configurations that need to be specified in a manifest.yml
applications: - name: <service name> disk_quota: <disk size -- ie. 1G> instances: <# of instances> memory: <amount of memory -- ie. 768M> routes: - route: <route url> path: <path to build> stack: <which stack to deploy on -- ie cflinuxfs2> buildpack: <buildpack_URL>