Pivotal/Cloud Foundry/Logs
From r00tedvw.com wiki
Cloud Foundry | Cloud Foundry CLI | Apps | Tasks | Logs | OpsManager
Contents |
This is an attempt to break down the components within logs for each type of deployment.
Router logs have 2 main folders, one containing application logs, the other containing a combination of deployment and health logs.
Each deployment instance will have its own set of logs.
Application Logs
Example Structure
Deployment/Health Logs
These logs are limited to 1MB in size, after which they will roll to a new log file.
Example Structure
Within the logs you will see references to deployment changes and health monitors. a few things that are shown are:
- reviewing the specifications json and looking for changes
- logging Monit heartbeats
2018-08-06_00:30:39.99740 ******************** 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60684 [monitJobSupervisor] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Getting monit status 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60687 [http-client] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - status function called 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60688 [http-client] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Monit request: url='' body='' 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60688 [attemptRetryStrategy] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Making attempt #0 for *httpclient.RequestRetryable 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60688 [clientRetryable] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - [requestID=bba929a7-d0f5-45e7-7ea0-874c0c1b743b] Requesting (attempt=1): Request{ Method: 'GET', URL: '' } 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60858 [File System] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /var/vcap/monit/stopped 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60860 [File System] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Stat '/var/vcap/monit/stopped' 2018-08-06_00:31:09.60860 [agent] 2018/08/06 00:31:09 DEBUG - Building heartbeat
- Metrics and vitals
~$ 2018-08-06_00:30:39.99739 {"deployment":"cf-3dc74d032cbc62c7fd76","job":"router","index":2,"job_state":"running","vitals":{"cpu":{"sys":"0.4","user":"1.1","wait":"11.4"},"disk":{"ephemeral":{"inode_percent":"1","percent":"6"},"system":{"inode_percent":"30","percent":"37"}},"load":["0.14","0.08","0.04"],"mem":{"kb":"255032","percent":"25"},"swap":{"kb":"184","percent":"0"},"uptime":{"secs":2368202}},"node_id":"34d09360-b21f-4328-a2dc-f6a6b4211c42"}